Nerd and Geeks
Errrr... I am considered a nerd? What denotes a nerd?
Recently I went looking for the actual definition to the word "NERD" and it said, "An insignificant student who is rediculed as being affected or boringly studious" or "An intelligent but single minded expert in a particular technical field or profession".

I don't think i fall in neither of these categories. "An insignificant student", hmmm may be that can be counted in...not sure, but when they add "who is rediculed as being affected or boringly studios"... I'm quite sure I don't study much at all, saying that, how can i be boringly studious? The second definition is "An intelligent but single minded expert in a particular field", firstly I'm not that intelligent, and most definitely not single minded. I love all kinda things like sports and games and movies, so i'm happy to say I'm not a Nerd haha.

Now, I wanna know if the saying "Nerd" is a good thing or is it a bad thing. Some people say, nerds are the onces that make it big in life, that they are smart and talented. What do you call someone who is really good in more then one thing...lets say in studies and also in sports. I've have seen people like that being called a nerd. Is the definition of the word changing? Is nerd the same as geek? Some people say geek can be denoted to something good and nerd is more use to ridicule and others say vise versa.

People need to stop using words they don't know the meaning to lol. They confuse the people who don't know the word yet. Anyway the quest to knowing if nerd is good or not is still not over because there are too many different definitions from too many different people.

With that being said, would anyone be proud by calling them self a nerd? I guess it's all up to the person who's being called that. The "good" definition of the word might be even made by the nerds themselves to make it sound better then it is. All i know is i don't think i fall into the category after reading the definitions. SAFE!! lol....but then, who cares in the end >.<

I don't care what i'm called, i'm just gonna be rich and have cool cars and have a lovely pretty wife who's also cool like that. Don't worry about a thing guys, if they call you a nerd, a geek or whatever. Just work towards your goal and get it. Then, even the nerd/geek will be the coolest people in the whole wide world. ^_^ Peace out
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    Time to move ahead in life !! :D