The tragedy and the miracle worker (Part 2)
Despite having the injury, I didn't feel too much pain when
I walked. I took sometime to rest at the futsal court lobby
area with a ice pack on my foot and decided to take a 30mins
drive home. The pain was evident when I was driving but I
guess my hunger was taking over my pain at that time. As I
was reaching home, I took a short detour to the chinese
restorant nearby to make a take away order for fried rice.

I sat down there alone listening to my ipod waiting for my
food and the girl in the restorant brought some chinese tea
on the house. She sat on the table and asked me what
happened to my leg and why I was limping a little and I
told her what happened. Soon, the food was ready, I paid
and left. From there it was less then a 5 mins drive back

I got out of the car and struggled to carry all the stuff I had
in the car with me into the house. Laptop bag on my back,
futsal shoes and sock on one hand, my drity clothing bag on
the other hand, my wallet and cell phone some how squeesed
in since i had no pockets on my pants and added to it the
fried rice i just bought. I had to carry all this and still close
the car door and open the gate to get into my house with a
hurting leg lol. I still managed to get till the front door and
my mom let me in.

As soon as I got it i jsut left everything near the stairs and
took my fried rice into the kitchen and layed it on a silver
plate, grabed a bottle of cold iced water, walked into the
living room, carshed on my sofa and started stuffing myself
while watching TV. The pain on my foot didn't even phase
me at that moment. After eating two peoples worth of fried
rice, I cleaned my plate and came abck to the sofa to rest and
continue the show on the TV. Only then I realized my sister
and an eye patch on her right eye and that she went for a
surgery to remove a swelling below her right eye. A minor
surgery. I continued watching TV after a couple of questions.

When the show was over I was going to head to the bath to
clean up. The pain on my ankle acted up >.<, I coulnd't put
too much weight on my foot. So I limped badly to my room
and straight got into the shower. I took my bath and changed
with some difficulty and crashed into my bed to get some rest.
Took out my notebook and played Xenogear on the bed >.<
After awhile i got tired of it, turned off the notebook and stood
up. The pain was excruciating , I knew somehting must be
done about it. I limped back down stairs mostly jumping on
one leg and asked my mom to put some deep heat on it and
wrap my leg up. Damn....the deepheat wraped on my leg was
even more painful then the pain itself hahaha.

With that I went back into my room and I slept, a really
uncomfortable sleep >.< In the morning, i coulnd't stand up!!
Any weight on my right foot would trigger into a frensy of
super pain!! So I just layed back on bed, my dad came into the
room and asked..."What happened to your leg?" and I replied
"Futsal injury". Then the shouting and cursing started and it
ended with a "You're not going to go for futsal anymore?!!"
I was thinking "Yeah that's right, with this injury i'm definately
not going for futsal for at least 3/4 months" >.< After some
yanking and scolding, he walked way and i continued laying
on my bed sleepily. Then he came back to the room and asked
"What time are you coming to the office?!!" and i replied
"I can't even walk now" >.< He got pissed and left for work.

After a few hours i finally manage to collect some strength to
get off the bed and hop down to the living room down stairs
on one leg. About 30 mins into it, I get a call from my mom
"Be ready at 12, we're going to the hospital". So at 11 I started
getting ready and as planned, mom came over at 12 and we
took a drive to the hospital. When we got there I hopped to a
chair and sat down till waiting for my mom to park her car. When
she got back I passed my ID and Insurance card and she rent to
register me and the counter. Soon came a bangladeshi man pushing
a wheelchair, I climb on it and the guy pushed me straight to
the Sports Injury specialist room.

I went in and the docter asked me what happened and i explained.
The he started putting pressure into some parts of my ankle to
see where it hurts and what not. Then he says, it looks like a
ligerment tear and it's definately not a fracture (which i already
knew) but I'll have to get an xray just to be sure. He told me
he'll have to admit me into the hospital to keep me under check.
He put a support thingy on my leg, bandaged it up sent be back to
the admin people to ward me. I had to wait for almost 3 hour to
get into the room allocated, talk about slow >.< As soon as I got
into the room I asked my mom to send a message to my girlfriend
on MSN, I didn't want her to worry why I was missing. =.=" So there
I was in this lonely room.

I was to rest in bed until the doctor says i'm free to go.I lasted
in the hospital about a day and the half. Food sucked big time,
luckily it was a single room with Astro on the TV and I also had
my laptop, without internet tho. I spent most of the time playing
Xenogear, watching football and movies on TV. The doctor came into
the room the next day and sent me to the xray room. After the xray
I was rolled back into the depressing room for more rounds of
xenogear, then the doctor came in and told me I'm ok and it will
just take time to heal and there is no need for surgery. I was
thinking, "what?! you were thinking about surgery!!, oh man thank
god" He also told me I have medical leave till the 10th of February
and that's when I'll be allow to put pressure on my foot.

The next day I got discharged from the hospital and was given cruches
to walk. With that I came back home desparately wanting to go online.
That's not going to happen because there is no internet at home yet,
Telecoms SUCK!!! I wasn't allowed to go to the office either with these
cruches since, I'll need to walk up 3 floors to get into the office. The whole
day passed by on Xenogear again and eventually I got tired and slept the
night through. to be continued....
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    Time to move ahead in life !! :D