The Supernatural (Part 1)
The meaning of supernatural is a power that seems to defy
or go beyond thenatural forces as we know it. This topic has
captivated me for a long long time. I have to say i have
experienced super natural things, I can't explain these things.
Well if i have enough space in this entry i will share a some
of my experiences. Before I start, supernatural is not only
ghosts and demons and stuff. Here a list of things I think goes
under supernatural, things human science can't answer:

- God
- Life (Soul)
- Ghosts
- Angels / Demons
- Aliens
- Phycics and Predictions
- Dimensions

These are the things I can think of now, but I’m sure there are
more. May be all these things are linked together in a science
not yet known to man or just the science we have now is not
even right. This would explain why these things are not
considered natural.

First off, God. One of the most controversial topic in the
history of mankind. his topic is only controversial because
mankind added something called religion into it. Regardless
of which religion there is no doubt that there is a force which
we deem the creator. So, who is this god? Who is our creator?
It’s strange then I think about it, if we’re created by god, who
created god? Well I have a theory about this though. I think
god is no other then an energy source, god has no life(It’s
immortal/ Inexhaustible energy), has no thought but has a way
to balance out equilibrium of the universe. If something goes
to the extreme in one end of the universe, this energy source
will correct it by sending the same about of extreme force to
balance it. We’re all created in the image of the energy like
what the bible says because in every one of us there is an
inexhaustible power source, which is life/soul. Before you go
bashing in my ideas, I’m not asking you to believe what I say
or accept my theories. This is just my speculation.

So now the discussion leads us to Life/Soul. I think the soul
that is somehow transmitted to us when we’re new embryo’s,
a tiny little piece of energy from the creator force. This energy
might be from this world (Earth), or it may be from space, or
from previous souls that had to leave their body due to death.
For some reason we all feel there is more then just our body
in us, don’t we? It feels like you’re more than the physical
presence you have. If this is not true, why do we have burial
ceremonies for millennia’s? This thing we feel, I think is the
soul or our life force that will not extinguish at the end of our
physical presence. So what happens to us when we die, you
may ask. Well some of us may go back to rejoin the great force,
some of us may linger on to find another host, some of us may
still have unfinished business (ghosts) and some of us may be
enslaved by a bigger force of energy that does not allow us to

Now comes the topic of ghosts. Life as human is a competitive
one, so much so we all have to take care of ourselves, our family
and our loved ones. Some of us adopt great desires, may be an
ambition or great love towards another soul. These feelings make
our soul become unstable until we attain our goals. What happens
when we lose our host body due to death before we can attain our
goals? Our souls remain unstable and in an unstable condition we
are not able to move on. Most of the time the feeling we carry isn’t
enough to destabilize oursoul, but some people can really be
obsessive towards some things and their souls are left behind.
Some of you may say, this is all a big piece of bullshit, there is no
such things as ghosts. Well believe what you want to, I’ve had my
share of experiences to believe otherwise. People who know me
may have heard of my experiences, but I don't feeling like going
into details about them at the moment, There are also souls who
are trapped not because their unstable, but because a stronger force
is holding them back. These are the things I call demons, and the
next part i'll cover on this faul energies and their rivals, the angels.

This post kinda got out of hand and became way too lon for one
post. So, I guess i'll keep the rest for another installment of "The
Supernatural". I hope you had a nice read, not aksing you to belive
them, these are jsut my thoughts and theories.
Peace out till next time guys.
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    Time to move ahead in life !! :D