Driving Under Influence of Alcohol
It was 4am in the morning, there was a knock on my room door. I open it and see my cousin there with my dad and my cousin says "Your dad just got into a massive accident, the car is gone". My first instinct was to look at my dad, he was standing straight and he was stable "Thank God, i said to myself". My heart was beating but the fact that he was standing there took a whole lot of weight out of me.

What would have happened to my family if our sole bread winner was lost, I know i'm not so close to my dad as many others would be, but i still love him. In the end he is my dad no matter what he did, I don't want to lose him ever. It made me so angry though, this was is third time in two months to have and an accident in the middle of the night.

What the hell is wrong with him? This time it was so close to him being injured badly. Is it a must to go out and get drunk at night? Is it so important that it means it's a chance of losing his life? My dad and many other people need to learn that driving under influence of alcohol is the main catalyst to road accident deaths next to sleepiness.

He tells me "I fell asleep". Yeah you nutmeg, it's 3am in the morning and you're drunk...how else will you be? Is it really necessary to drink so much when you know your house isn't even close to near the place? Come on people, think of your loved once. Me and my mom are never gonna have a nights peace from now on if my dad is not home yet.

Never mind that, we don't want to lose the head of our family. We love you a lot dad although you make me angry all the time and make me think you're one of the dumbest person of all time in certain areas. We don't want to lose you like this, please be considerate and please love yourself too. This is definitely not the way to go. This also goes to all the other people out there who think enjoying life is more important then life. Then again, drinking alcohol is not exactly enjoying life. Care for yourself, care for your family, care for others in the road as well.
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    Time to move ahead in life !! :D