Story of A Lifetime

I hate writing but it’s not the concept of expressing myself with words but just the fact it’s a lot more effort writing than showing or talking. Have you guys thought of telling someone everything you felt throughout in your life? For people who have written journals or diaries this would be easy, they can just past the dairy to the person they wanted to tell the story to. I’ve never written any diaries because the story of my life. I’m pretty secretive and very choosy of the people I tell things to. What I tell people is just the how much they need to know, not lies though. Well there have been lies, but not to the important people in my life.

Back to the topic, who are the people you would tell the story of your life to? I was watched this movie recently “Definitely Maybe” and seeing the guy open up his past to his daughter made me think if I can ever do that. May be I have done so many stupid things in the past that I just want to bury it and just forget about it. The thing I did in the past doesn’t reflect the things I do now because I changed. Everyone you meet in the way changes you, not that I did a lot of terrible things. May be a little lie there and a little lie here making myself look bigger and better then I am (I don’t do that regularly, just when I feel threatened).

Anyway, who can this person be? Because I know at one point of my life I will have to do this, I have this thing that I want to show someone the mistakes I did and the right things I did so that they would learn from it or they would tell me how I can improve myself. An opinion of another person is always good because they can see things you don’t. This person though can’t be some stranger to me because I can’t open up to someone who I don’t fully trust yet and not everyone I fully trust I can tell these things to.

I guess I will find this out when the time comes. This was really some kind of useless reading to you guys I think lol. Just something I was thinking to myself, sorry to make you read so much with nothing much to gain >.<>

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    Time to move ahead in life !! :D